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South Boulder Little League

South Boulder Little League


What is the structure of SOUTH BOULDER LITTLE LEAGUE baseball?

South Boulder Little League provides a quality baseball experience for players from 4 to 14 years of age. There are five different divisions and participation is determined by school grade and age.

South Boulder Little League has established brackets for each division to ensure players develop appropriately in terms of skills, knowledge, and sportsmanship. There are situations where some players may play down a division due to safety risks.

The divisions for 2025 are:

If you have questions about which division might be best for your player, you can email SBLL for assistance.

How long will the season last?

The length of the season varies depending on the division. Games are scheduled as follows:

  • T-ball and Rookies will run from April through May.
  • Minors and Majors last from Mid March through the end of May.
  • Intermediate and Juniors will run from Mid March through early June.

How do we know which Little League is our home league?

Little League International has boundary restrictions. As SBLL is surrounded by three other very strong Little League organizations, we honor those boundaries. A player can play in SBLL if they live or go to school south of Arapahoe and west of 95th. The town of Nederland is included in our boundaries. Our boundaries do not include the city limits of Lafayette, Louisville or Superior. If you still have questions or need help finding your home Little League,  use the League Finder Tool and enter your home or school address.  Still have questions? Email SBLL.

Where are South Boulder Little League games played?

Majors and Minors teams will play at A7 fields. Some travel occur to play other teams in the Boulder or North Denver area. Rookies and T-ball teams will use the fields at A7, Martin Park, and Eisenhower.

What days and times are the games played?

T-Ball, Rookies and Minors are scheduled for two games per week.

  • Minors will play on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 with a practice before. Coaches will set the arrival time.
  • Rookies will play Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30 with a 30 minute practice before. Games will last between 1-1.5 hours.
  • T-ball will play Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 with a 30 minute practice before. Games will last 1 hour.

Majors and Intermediates have two to three games per week including Saturdays. Weekday games start at 5:30. There is no set time for the Saturday games.

Managers/Coaches determine when to show up prior to game time, but it is recommended that players arrive at the field at least 45 minutes prior to game time so they can properly warm up, and managers can get the line-up cards ready prior to the start of the game.

We will do are best to adhere to the above scheduled days for the 2025 season.

How long are the games?

T-ball games are about 1-hour long.

Rookies and Minors games can not start a new inning after 1 hour 30 minutes.

Majors and Intermediate games do not have a time limit, but are 6 innings long.

When will the practices begin?

South Boulder Little League targets early March for Intermediate, Majors and Minors teams to start practicing. The actual first practices depend upon weather and formation of teams.

Rookies and t-ball teams practice an hour or less before each of their games. Some coaches may call additional practices but these are optional.

Where, how often and how long will my child practice?

Practice location, frequency and duration are up to the team manager. Managers can schedule field practice times at the SBLL fields, coordinating with other teams.

Rookies teams only practice prior to their games. If an additional practice is called, they are no more than one time per week for 60-90 minutes.

Minors, Majors and Intermediate teams practice one time per week for one to two hours.

T-ball teams practice prior to each game.

When & Where are assessments for Minors, Majors and Intermediate players?

Spring Assessments will be held the weekend of February 23  between 1:30 and 6pm at an indoor facility in North Boulder. Sessions are by division and grade level. Details provided when registered.

There are no assessments in Summer or Fall.

How does the draft for the Minors, Majors and Intermediate divisions work?

The goal of the draft is to improve the Little League experience by emphasizing balance among teams for a safe, fair and fun level of competition. Rookies and T-ball Divisions do not draft players to a team. Players for those divisions will be assigned to teams by the SBLL Division coordinators, based on age and player/coach requests.

  • All players wishing to play in the Minors, Majors and Intermediate divisions will need to attend an assessment.
  • On assessment day, players are grouped according to grade. They will go through several drills, and coaches will assess them on throwing, fielding, running and hitting.
  • Coaches will draft players from all tryout attendees.
  • Players unable to attend the tryouts will be placed on teams (by the Division Coordinators and Player Agent) with an emphasis on balancing player ages.

What equipment will my child need before the first practice or game?

Players should arrive at their first practice with an adequate glove. Some bats are provided by the league, but you are welcome to bring your own. (Please note that all bats must have the USA bat insignia). Please make sure all personally owned equipment is labeled with a name and phone number so SBLL can return if lost. A baseball bag is recommended to transport bats, batting gloves, water bottles, hats, and other items. Catcher's equipment are provided by the league.  Please provide one or contact your coach and the league will give you one for the season.

What are the uniform requirements?

South Boulder Little League provides each player a team jersey and a team hat. Due to individual fittings, players need to provide baseball pants, belt, and socks. (Children playing in the T-ball and Rookies division can wear sweats and running shoes.)

In the majors and minors divisions your team manager may ask that baseball pants and socks be color coordinated, so check with the coach after teams are assigned.

Rubber cleats are highly recommended for the minors, majors and intermediate divisions. Steel spikes are not allowed.

All players should bring a windbreaker, jacket, or sweatshirt to every game and practice, especially early in the season.

When will I find out what team my child will play on?

Minors, Majors and Intermediate teams will be formed after tryouts and assessments. T-ball, Rookies teams will be formed by end of March. If you get your registration in early, it makes it easier for SBLL to get the teams formed sooner.

Can my child be placed on a team with one of their friends?

South Boulder Little League allows friends to request to be on the same team together in the T-ball and Rookie divisions. In the Minors, Majors and Intermediate divisions players are distributed based on assessments and a balanced draft to promote even and competitive teams.

Can I keep my child down in a lower division or bring him/her up a division a year early?

If any parent desires for their child to play outside the division set forth for their child's age (either up or down in division), then such parent must make such request of the SBLL President in writing.

The SBLL President shall provide a written determination to the requesting parent within a reasonable period after the request is made.

In the event the requesting parent desires to appeal the SBLL President's determination, the requesting parent must provide a written notice to the SBLL President of such desire, after which the SBLL Board of Director, at their next scheduled meeting, shall either affirm or reverse the SBLL President's determination.

How many managers/coaches can be on a team?

Every team has a manager (head coach) approved by the Board of Directors. Each team's manager can have as many assistants as they can find for practices, but only two assistant coaches are allowed in the dugout during games. Any manager or coach that comes into contact with players MUST submit a national Little League volunteer application to the league president, and undergo a background check before being allowed to assist.

What are the responsibilities of a manager and a coach?

The team manager (head coach) oversees the management of the team throughout the season. They are responsible for setting a practice schedule, developing a practice format, creating a lineup card for every game, and ensuring kids get their minimum playing time in each game. Managers are the focal point of the team and must be committed to following through with managing the team from mid-March to June. Time commitment is usually around 8-10 hours a week depending upon division. Managers need to be able to commit to be at all practices and games. Managers also must attend a manager's meeting with the division coordinator. Managers may be assisted by a volunteer team parent that helps with things like scheduling and contacts.

Two assistant coaches are allowed in the dugout during games. However, a manager may elect to use more than two coaches during practice. Coaches provide support during practice to ensure kids get enough attention while developing their skills. Coaches are under the guidance and direction of the manager. Typically, a manager will design a practice format and have assistants take care of coaching small groups of players, assisting with batting practice, hitting fungos, or other assistant duties. Assistant coaches should commit to be at all practices and games, generally about 6-8 hours a week depending upon division. All actions of an assistant coach during games are the ultimate responsibility of the manager.

Anyone interested in managing or coaching a team should contact the league president.

Who umpires South Boulder Little League games?

South Boulder Little League uses paid umpires for the upper divisions (Minors, Majors and Intermediate). Anyone who is least 14 years of age can be an umpire. Umpire clinics and instructions on rules are provided. A plate umpire and a field umpire are used in games, unless a scheduling issue arises causing a shortage of available umpires. In the T-Ball and Rookie divisions, coaches manage the flow of the game, with possible help from volunteer parents.

Are you interested in becoming an umpire? Contact SBLL.

Are there conduct rules that apply during games?

Absolutely. South Boulder Little League does not tolerate foul language or taunting at any level by the players, parents, managers, or coaches. Any spectator, player, manager or coach that is warned is subject to being ejected from the premises and banned from the fields for additional games. Additionally, parents are not allowed to coach their child from the stands during the game. Please leave the coaching up to the managers and team coaches. Players must stay in the playing field and dugout during the game unless a bathroom break is needed.

Do I have to participate in any fundraising?

South Boulder Little League does not require parents to participate in fundraising. There are some optional fundraisers held for the league:

Sponsorships--from sponsoring a team to the snack shack to the score board. Click on the sponsors tab at the top of the site for more information.

Donations--we are a 501(c)3 non-profit so donations are tax deductible

All Registration fees, sponsorships, donations and fundraising are used for Little League fees, equipment, field rental, uniforms, and umpires. SBLL is an all volunteer organization and all administration of the league is handled by volunteers.

Who do I contact if I have a problem that needs to be resolved by the league?

If at any time you have a problem or just want information, you can e-mail the league. We encourage you to discuss any concerns with your child's team manager. If that does not address your concern, than contact the league president at the email below. The SBLL board has a Player Agent who works with the President to resolve any conflicts. You are also welcome to attend a Board meeting and express your concerns directly to the Board with prior approval from the President. The general league email is [email protected].

What is your refund and cancellation policy?

Cancellation prior to end of registration: 100% minus processing fees

End of registration through start of season: Full registration fee minus cost of uniform and processing fees

After start of season: 50% refund minus processing fees

When are games canceled and how do we find out?

Games may be canceled in case of bad weather or field conditions. SBLL decides on whether to hold games by 3 PM on the day of the game. A notice is put on the front page of the SBLL website and all registered players and coaches are emailed. If there is not a notice posted on the web site by 3PM, then assume games will be played. If bad weather occurs later than 3 PM, SBLL Board of Director's weather committee and/or umpires will decide on playing the game for Minors, Majors and Intermediates, and coaches will decide for Rookies and Tball.

Do you offer Scholarships?

Yes. See the Scholarship page for more information.


South Boulder Little League
PO Box 3318 
Boulder, Colorado 80307

Email: [email protected]

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